As you know, Equis released its Learning Module System (LMS) to Equis agents on October 2nd, 2023. This system was carefully crafted with the agent's and manager's best interests in mind to help new agents get started in a timely manner.

The LMS currently houses 4 weeks' worth of content for a brand-new agent. While this is geared towards brand-new agents, there is material included that is beneficial to veteran agents as well. Additional content will continue to be added throughout the next quarter and beyond as needed.
As growing builders, we encourage you to plug your new agents into this system. Doing so will allow your agents to be trained in a one-on-one environment without you having to be the primary trainer. This allows you to have more time to get in front of potential agents and protect more families.
Below you will find a video of Bill Martin OG walking you through the Learning Module System.
We are also excited to announce a brand new landing page that you can send to potential recruits! Thanks to a suggestion by one of your fellow agents, we took parts of the LMS and created a landing page that explains the Equis Platform, as well as how to sign an ICA and begin the onboarding process with Equis. Click here to view the new page!
Do not hesitate to reach out to with any feedback regarding the LMS or new landing page.