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Retirement Solutions Specialist: Rob Berger

Get to know Annuity and IUL Specialist, Rob Berger.

Rob's desire to gain knowledge and grow his business is what initially attracted him to the Retirement Solutions Specialist program. Becoming a specialist in annuities and IULs requires participation in Equis Financial's Retirement Solutions University, along with the successful completion of a comprehensive final exam, fulfillment of 20 sales, and a knowledgable role-play presentation - no easy feat!

Since becoming a specialist, Rob has found the most pleasure in being an encouragement to other agents. His role as specialist allows him to guide agents through annuity and IUL sales for their clients.

When asked about the importance of referring to a specialist, Rob replied, “Having someone that you can trust and go to to get your questions answered is a great feeling. Using a referring specialist is awesome. I have told my team 50% of something is better than 100% of 0.”

We connected with Rob to share an inside look at what it is like to be a Retirement Solutions Specialist at Equis Financial. Check out his answers below!

What are your go-to questions to ask a potential client?

"I always ask every client if they have any extra money put away for their retirement - like 401k, 403b 457 and so on.  I am always looking for ways that I might be able to help them."

What advice would you give to someone considering becoming a specialist?

"The time spent with Bill Martin 2.0, Pete Lee and Joe Skelley is priceless. The more time you can spend with these guys and learn from the best, the better your business will grow."

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in this industry?

"Never give up and believe in the system and yourself. Don't take rejection personally, it is a numbers game."

"Winners make it happen, losers let it happen. Rob Berger is a big-time winner who makes it happen, which is evidenced by the fact that he has attended multiple Retirement Solutions University training classes all over the country to hone in his craft. Rob and his wife Brenda are always willing to travel across the country from their home in Las Vegas to receive training and increase their skillset, but only on one condition: there must be a Holiday Inn Express near the training venue for him to sleep at, because he cannot pass up their free cinnamon buns for breakfast every morning! Rob never wants to stop learning so that he can provide the best solutions for his clients, and as such he has become one of Equis Retirement Solutions' most successful specialists. Rob and Brenda are both very valuable members of Equis Nation!" - Bill Martin 2.0, when asked about Rob Berger.

If you are interested in learning more about Retirement Solutions, the products we offer, or the multitude of ways we can help the clients you protect, check out the numerous training videos we have available in the Training Center and tune into the weekly Retirement Solutions Roundtable on Wednesdays at 11 AM ET.

To learn more about referring business OR to become a specialist like Rob, come join us at a Retirement Solutions University near you!


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